Master Wirtschaft International Vollzeit in der Schweiz 🎓 - 2 Studiengänge
2 Studiengänge
- Abschluss: LL.M.
- Studienform: Full-time
- Dauer: 2 Semester
- Studienort: Zürich
- Abschluss: MAS
- Studienform: Vollzeit und berufsbegleitend
- Dauer: 18 Monat(e)
- Studienort: Zürich
Kurzinformationen zu den Studiengängen
The Master program focusses on the most relevant legal issues in the context of a global economy. Therefore, the program includes topics such as the legal and economic foundations of international business, specific areas of foreign and international law or EU law.
The program is designed for lawyer who wish to enhance their expert knowledge and specialize in the area of international business law for their future career.
The curriculum offers a wide range of modules within the general part of the program: e.g. Introduction to Swiss Law, European Business Law, International Economics or International Tax Law. Afterwards, students choose their area of specialization: International Banking and Finance Law, International Sport Law or International Economic and Business Law.
The Master program with the specialization on European and Chinese Business Management focusses on intercultural understanding and management-issues. It is offered in cooperation with the New Huada Business School Switzerland. Students attend guest lectures from highly qualified professioanls.
Participants need adequate English skills to be able to follow the teaching and to write the thesis. They also need a proof of an university degree, preferable a master-degree.
The curriculum is composed of the modules International Management, Courses on Management with a focus on Europe and China, an Internship and the Master Thesis. Students focus either on European Business or on Chinese Business. There is also the possibility to attend additional courses on the latest development in the business world.